Geovonic Web App Migrate

Understanding Geovonic Migrate’s migratability status

When viewing the search results in Geovonic’s ArcGIS WebApp Builder migration tool, each of the web applications is shown with a migratability status. This status lets you know about any differences there might be between your original Web AppBuilder app and the Experience Builder app generated by Geovonic.

Geovonic – Working with ArcGIS Enterprise

Geovonic works with both ArcGIS Online and ArcGIS Enterprise. If you’re using ArcGIS Enterprise, there are a couple of extra steps required to get started. This article will take you through the process of registering Geovonic as an app in your ArcGIS portal.

Geovonic Web App Migrate – Theme and Widget Migratability

The Geovonic web app migration tool does a great job of converting ArcGIS Web AppBuilder apps across to ArcGIS Experience Builder. However, the two builders are different and have slightly different options available for widgets and themes. This article describes the “migratability” of each ArcGIS Web AppBuilder theme and widget. We’ll keep updating this page […]

About Geovonic Web App Migrate

The Geovonicâ„¢web app migration tool allows you to quickly and easily convert ArcGIS Web AppBuilder applications to ArcGIS Experience Builder. Simply connect to your ArcGIS Online or ArcGIS Enterprise account, select the apps you want to convert, and let the migration tool do the rest. For a full walkthrough of using Geovonic to migrate an […]